国际医药卫生导报 ›› 2024, Vol. 30 ›› Issue (2): 249-257.DOI: 10.3760/cma.j.issn.1007-1245.2024.02.015

• 基础研究 • 上一篇    下一篇


李华润1  温炬1  郑荣昌1  周玉婵2  秦思1  李婷1  黄锦萍1   

  1. 1广东省第二人民医院皮肤科,广州 510317;2番禺区第二人民医院皮肤科,广州 511430

  • 收稿日期:2023-11-25 出版日期:2024-01-15 发布日期:2024-02-02
  • 通讯作者: 温炬,Email:wenju3139@163.com
  • 基金资助:


Effect and mechanism of anti-CD122 antibody on psoriasis-like skin lesions in mice

Li Huarun1, Wen Ju1, Zheng Rongchang1, Zhou Yuchan2, Qin Si1, Li Ting1, Huang Jinping1   

  1. 1 Department of Dermatology, Guangdong Second Provincial General Hospital, Guangzhou 510317, China; 2 Department of Dermatology, The Second People's Hospital of Panyu, Guangzhou 511430, China

  • Received:2023-11-25 Online:2024-01-15 Published:2024-02-02
  • Contact: Wen Ju, Email: wenju3139@163.com
  • Supported by:

    3D Printing Scientific Research Program of Guangdong Second Provincial General Hospital (3D-A2021001)


目的 探讨抗CD122抗体对小鼠银屑病样皮损的影响及其作用机制。方法 研究时间为2020年7月1日至11月23日。选用56只BALB/c雌性小鼠随机分配为4组:凡士林对照组(空白对照组)、咪喹莫特模型组(模型组)、同型对照抗体实验组(实验组A)、抗CD122抗体实验组(实验组B)。采用银屑病面积与严重程度指数(PASI)评分观察银屑病样皮损动态变化;显微镜下观察皮损组织病理改变,并测量表皮层厚度;采用免疫荧光双标法检测皮损中TRM细胞的表型及变化;免疫组织化学法检测皮损中白细胞介素-15(IL-15)、白细胞介素-17A(IL-17A)的表达及变化。计量资料采用独立样本t检验。结果 免疫荧光双标显示,模型组初次(3 d、6 d)TRM细胞数量CD3+CD103+[(16.40±1.43)细胞个数/视野、(29.80±2.28)细胞个数/视野]、CD4+CD103+[(10.80±1.77)细胞个数/视野、(16.20±1.28)细胞个数/视野]、CD8+CD103+[(15.10±1.65)细胞个数/视野、(26.05±1.43)细胞个数/视野]、CD122+CD103+ [(16.52±1.43)细胞个数/视野、(26.80±1.40)细胞个数/视野]均高于对照组(均P<0.01);实验组B初次(3 d、6 d)及再次(38 d、41 d)刺激皮损中TRM细胞数量均低于同一时间模型组、实验组A(均P<0.05),以CD8+TRM细胞降低为主(P<0.01)。免疫组织化学结果显示,模型组再次(38 d、41 d)皮损中IL-15、IL-17A的表达[(115.66±3.69)IOD/area、(121.65±3.36)IOD/area及(104.30±3.47)IOD/area、(59.87±3.20)IOD/area]均高于对照组[(28.15±2.25)IOD/area、(28.05±2.15)IOD/area及(25.63±2.10)IOD/area、(25.01±2.71)IOD/area],差异均有统计学意义(均P<0.05);实验组B初次(3 d、6 d)及再次(38 d、41 d)刺激皮损中IL-15、IL-17A的表达均低于同一时间模型组和实验组A(均P<0.05)。结论 TRM细胞、IL-15、IL-17A可能参与小鼠银屑病样皮损的发生和发展,抗CD122抗体可以改善小鼠的银屑病样皮损,该作用可能与其抑制TRM细胞的形成和功能(以CD8+ TRM细胞为主),以及降低IL-15、IL-17A的表达有关。


银屑病, CD122, TRM细胞, IL-15, IL-17A, 动物实验


Objective To explore the effect and mechanism of anti-CD122 antibody on psoriasis-like skin lesions in mice. Methods The study was conducted from July 1 to November 23, 2020. A total of 56 BALB/c female mice were randomly assigned to four groups: a vaseline control group (blank control group), an imiquimod model group (model group), an isotype control antibody experimental group (experimental group A), and an anti-CD122 antibody experimental group (experimental group B). The dynamic changes of psoriasis-like skin lesions were observed using the Psoriasis Area and Severity Index (PASI) score; the pathological changes of skin lesion tissues were observed under the microscope and the thickness of the epidermal layer was measured; the phenotypes and changes of TRM cells in skin lesions were detected using the immunofluorescence double-labeling method; the expressions and changes of interleukin (IL)-15 and IL-17A in skin lesions were detected using the immunohistochemical method. Independent sample t test was used for the measurement data. Results The immunofluorescence double-labeling showed that the number of TRM cells in the initial lesions (3 and 6 days) of the model group [CD3+CD103+: (16.40±1.43) cell count/field of view, (29.80±2.28) cell count/field of view; CD4+CD103+: (10.80±1.77) cell count/field of view, (16.20±1.28) cell count/field of view; CD8+CD103+: (15.10±1.65) cell count/field of view, (26.05±1.43) cell count/field of view; CD122+CD103+: (16.52±1.43) cell count/field of view, (26.80±1.40) cell count/field of view] were higher than those in control group (all P<0.01). The number of TRM cells in the initial (3 and 6 days) and re-stimulated (38 and 41 days) lesions of the experimental group B were lower than those in the model group and the experimental group A at the same time (all P<0.05), with CD8+ TRM cells predominantly reduced (P<0.01). The immunohistochemical results showed that the expressions of IL-15 and IL-17A in the initial lesions (38 and 41 days) of the model group [(115.66±3.69) IOD/area, (121.65±3.36) IOD/area, (104.30±3.47) IOD/area, and (59.87±3.20) IOD/area] were higher than those of the control group [(28.15±2.25) IOD/area, (28.05±2.15) IOD/area, (25.63±2.10) IOD/area, and (25.01±2.71) IOD/area], with statistically significant differences (all P<0.05). The expressions of IL-15 and IL-17A in the initial (3 and 6 days) and re-stimulated (38 and 41 days) lesions of the experimental group B were lower than those of the model group and experimental group A at the same time (all P<0.05). Conclusions TRM cells, IL-15, and IL-17A might be involved in the occurrence and development of psoriasis-like skin lesions in mice. Anti-CD122 antibody can improve psoriasis-like lesions in mice, and this effect might be related to its inhibition of formation and function of TRM cells, mainly CD8+TRM cells, as well as the reduction of IL-15 and IL-17A expressions.

Key words:

Psoriasis, CD122, Tissue resident memory T cells, Interleukin-15, Interleukin-17A, Animal experiment