International Medicine and Health Guidance News ›› 2022, Vol. 28 ›› Issue (3): 422-424.DOI: 10.3760/cma.j.issn.1007-1245.2022.03.030

• Case Report • Previous Articles     Next Articles

One case of acute pancreatitis complicated with gallbladder gangrene and perforation

Xie Ping1, Kang Hanwei2, Kang Junyang1, Yang Fang1   

  1. 1 Department of Critical Care Medicine, Weihai Central Hospital Affiliated to Qingdao University, Weihai 264400, China;

    2 Department of Foot and Ankle Surgery, Shandong Wendeng Osteopathic Hospital, Weihai 264400, China

  • Received:2021-10-18 Online:2022-02-01 Published:2022-03-01
  • Contact: Yang Fang, Email:


谢平1  康涵威2  康军阳1  杨芳1   

  1. 1青岛大学附属威海市中心医院重症医学科,威海 264400

    2山东省文登整骨医院足踝外科,威海 264400

  • 通讯作者: 杨芳,


A patient with septic shock was admitted to Department of Intensive Care Medicine, Weihai Central Hospital Affiliated to Qingdao University in April 2020. This patient was admitted because of abdominal pain. After the diagnosis and treatment at Emergency Room, the patient was admitted into the Department of Digestive Internal Medicine with acute pancreatitis. The patient's conditions progressed rapidly, and were transferred to Department of Critical Care Medicine for rescue because of shock. The shock causes were evaluated and screened. The patient was confirmed with acute gallbladder necrosis and perforation and acute pancreatitis by laparotomy. After anti-infection, capacity recovery, and viscera function support, the patient was rescued successfully.

Key words: Abdominal pain, Gallbladder necrosis and perforation, Acute pancreatitis, Septic shock

摘要: 2020年4月青岛大学附属威海市中心医院重症医学科收治1例脓毒性休克患者。此患者因腹痛入院,经急诊诊治鉴别,以“急性胰腺炎”收入消化内科。其病情进展迅速,因休克转入重症医学科进行抢救。对休克原因进行评估和筛查,经剖腹探查术术中明确诊断为急性胆囊坏疽并穿孔、急性胰腺炎。术后经抗感染、容量复苏、脏器功能支持,最终抢救成功。

关键词: 腹痛, 胆囊坏疽并穿孔, 急性胰腺炎, 脓毒性休克