International Medicine and Health Guidance News ›› 2022, Vol. 28 ›› Issue (3): 414-418.DOI: 10.3760/cma.j.issn.1007-1245.2022.03.028

• Clinical Research • Previous Articles     Next Articles

Study on the correlations between inflammatory indexes and lung function in patients with acute respiratory distress syndrome 

Gao Linben1, Wang Yanqing1, Hua Xia2   

  1. 1 Department of Respiratory Medicine, The People's Hospital of Haiyang, Haiyang 265100, China; 

    2 Emergency Department, The People's Hospital of Haiyang, Haiyang 265100, China

  • Received:2021-09-23 Online:2022-02-01 Published:2022-03-01
  • Contact: Hua Xia, Email:


高琳本1  王艳青1  华夏2   

  1. 1海阳市人民医院呼吸内科,海阳 265100

    2海阳市人民医院急诊科,海阳 265100

  • 通讯作者: 华夏,


Objective To explore the correlations between inflammatory indexes and lung function in patients with acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS). Methods A total of 86 cases of ARDS received by The People's Hospital of Haiyang from January 2020 to June 2021 were taken as the research objects, and they were divided into a mild group (18 cases), a moderate group (30 cases), and a severe group (38 cases) according to the condition. In the mild group, there were 10 males and 8 females, aged (56.80±8.18) years; in the moderate group, there were 17 males and 13 females, aged (57.07±8.35) years; in the severe group, there were 21 males and 17 females, aged (57.22±8.43) years. The forced vital capacity (FVC), forced expiratory volume in the first second (FEV1), FEV1/FVC, maximum ventilation (MVV), diffusing capacity for carbon monoxide (DLco), procalcitonin (PCT), C reactive protein (CRP), tumor necrosis factor-α (TNF-α), interleukin-2 (IL-2), interleukin-6 (IL-6), interleukin-8 (IL-8) levels were compared among the three groups. χ2 test was used for the count data; one-way ANOVA was used for the measurement data, LSD method was used for pairwise comparison, and Pearson correlation anlysis was used to analyze the correlations between inflammatory indexes and lung function in ARDS patients. Results CRP [(32.55±6.20) mg/L vs. (21.40±5.18) mg/L], TNF-α [(72.45±14.22) ng/L vs. (56.75±11.30) ng/L], IL-2 [(451.70±49.35) ng/L vs. (382.30±36.40) ng/L], IL-6 [(176.35±20.44) ng/L vs. (142.60±18.45) ng/L], and IL-8 levels [(265.70±29.40) ng/L vs. (185.35±21.60) ng/L] in the moderate group were higher than those in the mild group; CRP [(43.75±7.28) mg/L vs. (21.40±5.18) mg/L], PCT [(9.70±2.45) µg/L vs. (7.65±1.89) µg/L], TNF-α [(89.80±15.60) ng/L vs. (56.75±11.30) ng/L], IL-2 [(524.85±56.75) ng/L vs. (382.30±36.40) ng/L], IL-6 [(214.35±22.74) ng/L vs. (142.60±18.45) ng/L], and IL-8 levels [(368.9±41.35) ng/L vs. (185.35±21.60) ng/L] in the severe group were higher than those in the mild group; CRP, TNF-α, IL-2, IL-6, and IL-8 levels in the severe group were higher than those in the moderate group; there were statistically significant differences (all P<0.05). FVC [(1.74±0.27) L vs. (1.98±0.31) L], FEV1 [(1.33±0.26) L vs. (1.56±0.28) L], DLco [(64.30±6.82)% vs. (68.54±7.26)%] in the moderate group were lower than those in the mild group; FVC [(1.55±0.21) L vs. (1.98±0.31) L], FEV1 [(1.12±0.19) L vs. (1.56±0.28) L], FEV1/FVC [(71.58±4.86)% vs. (78.58±5.46)%], MVV [(66.80±8.70) L vs. (76.50±10.68) L], and DLco [(61.25±6.35)% vs. (68.54±7.26)%] in the severe group were lower than those in the mild group; FVC, FEV1, FEV1/FVC, and MVV of the severe group were lower than those of the moderate group; there were statistically significant differences (all P<0.05). Pearson correlation analysis showed that CRP, PCT, TNF-α, IL-2, IL-6, and IL-8 were significantly negatively correlated with FVC, FEV1, FEV1/FVC, MVV, and DLco (all P<0.05). Conclusions The CRP, PCT, TNF-α, IL-2, IL-6, and IL-8 of ARDS patients are closely correlated with FVC, FEV1, FEV1/FVC, MVV, and DLco. The monitoring on inflammatory indexes should be strengthened to prevent the deterioration of lung function in ARDS patients.

Key words: Acute respiratory distress syndrome, Inflammatory indexes, Lung function, Correlation

摘要: 目的 探讨急性呼吸窘迫综合征(ARDS)患者炎症指标与肺功能的相关性。方法 将海阳市人民医院2020年1月至2021年6月接收的ARDS患者86例作为研究对象,根据病情分为轻度组(18例)、中度组(30例)及重度组(38例)。轻度组男10例、女8例,年龄(56.80±8.18)岁;中度组男17例、女13例,年龄(57.07±8.35)岁;重度组男21例、女17例,年龄(57.22±8.43)岁。比较3组患者的用力肺活量(FVC)、第1秒用力呼气容积(FEV1)、FEV1/FVC、最大通气量(MVV)、一氧化碳弥散量(DLco)、降钙素原(PCT)、C反应蛋白(CRP)、肿瘤坏死因子-α(TNF-α)、白介素-2(IL-2)、IL-6、IL-8水平。计数资料采用χ2检验;计量资料采用单因素方差分析(One-Way ANOVA),两两比较采用LSD法,采用Pearson相关性分析ARDS患者炎症指标与肺功能的相关性。结果 中度组的CRP[(32.55±6.20)mg/L比(21.40±5.18)mg/L]、TNF-α[(72.45±14.22)ng/L比(56.75±11.30)ng/L]、IL-2[(451.70±49.35)ng/L比(382.30±36.40)ng/L]、IL-6[(176.35±20.44)ng/L比(142.60±18.45)ng/L]及IL-8[(265.70±29.40)ng/L比(185.35±21.60)ng/L]高于轻度组;重度组的CRP[(43.75±7.28)mg/L比(21.40±5.18)mg/L]、PCT[(9.70±2.45)µg/L比(7.65±1.89)µg/L]、TNF-α[(89.80±15.60)ng/L比(56.75±11.30)ng/L]、IL-2[(524.85±56.75)ng/L比(382.30±36.40)ng/L]、IL-6[(214.35±22.74)ng/L比(142.60±18.45)ng/L]及IL-8[(368.9±41.35)ng/L比(185.35±21.60)ng/L]高于轻度组;重度组的CRP、TNF-α、IL-2、IL-6及IL-8高于中度组;差异均有统计学意义(均P<0.05)。中度组的FVC[(1.74±0.27)L比(1.98±0.31)L]、FEV1[(1.33±0.26)L比(1.56±0.28)L]、DLco[(64.30±6.82)%比(68.54±7.26)%]低于轻度组;重度组的FVC[(1.55±0.21)L比(1.98±0.31)L]、FEV1[(1.12±0.19)L比(1.56±0.28)L]、FEV1/FVC[(71.58±4.86)%比(78.58±5.46)%]、MVV[(66.80±8.70)L比(76.50±10.68)L]及DLco[(61.25±6.35)%比(68.54±7.26)%]低于轻度组;重度组的FVC、FEV1、FEV1/FVC、MVV低于中度组;差异均有统计学意义(均P<0.05)。Pearson相关性分析显示,CRP、PCT、TNF-α、IL-2、IL-6、IL-8与FVC、FEV1、FEV1/FVC、MVV、DLco均呈显著的负相关性(均P<0.05)。结论 ARDS患者的CRP、PCT、TNF-α、IL-2、IL-6、IL-8与FVC、FEV1、FEV1/FVC、MVV、DLco密切相关,应加强炎症指标的监测,为预防ARDS患者肺功能恶化提供指导。

关键词: 急性呼吸窘迫综合征, 炎症指标, 肺功能, 相关性